
平成24年7月24日(火)~ 7月26日(木)、西南財経大学金融学院 准教授 陶启智先生によるアジア市場分析Ⅰを開講致しました。

 西南財経大学金融学院の陶启智先生が来日され、集中講義「アジア市場分析Ⅰ」を担当しました。この講義は、海外から専門の研究者を招聘し、 日頃日本ではなかなか受けられない、多様な視点での講義を英語で行うのが特徴です。
Course Description
 This course consists of two parts, Corporate Finance and Mergers and Acquisitions.
 The first part, Corporate Finance, provides an introduction to the theory, the methods, and the concerns of corporate finance. The concepts developed in this course form the foundation for all elective finance courses such as Mergers and Acquisitions.
The main topics include: 1) corporate governance; 2) time value of money; 3) capital market efficiency; 4) IPO; 5) capital structure and 6) dividend policy decisions. The second part, Mergers and Acquisitions, covers the main theories of M&A.Through this course, students will be able to evaluate M&A events with economic theories and related methodologies. Contents of the course include: 1) motivations of M&A; 2) types of M&A; 3) deal characteristics of M&A, and 4) process of M&A.
 Teaching Approach  The teaching programme consists three-day intensive classes in July 2012. Theclasses will combine lecturing and group discussion. In addition to reading chapters in the textbooks, you are recommended to read news, papers and books of various topics in business management and political administration.



Empirical Study on Asian Financial Markets

Edited by Masayuki Susai Hiromasa Okada
